Can I buy a gun to keep at home?
Frank, I have a question please, recently my 3 cars were broken in to at night and i am afraid my house could be next. Can I buy a gun to keep at home I am 19, I’m a dad and am expecting a second baby.
thank you
Elliot B.
Damn son, you've been busy! You can indeed buy a shotgun to defend your home. Just remember that it’s not justifiable to shoot someone while they're breaking into your car. UNLESS you’re in Texas, refer to penal code 4.92. At your age you can buy rifles and shotguns, if you have a clear criminal record. Handguns, you have to be 21.However check with your local and sate officials this is my suggestion, I am sure that when you discovered the break-in in your vehicle you did call the police (I hope) then you should ask one of the officers in reference to purchasing a firearm. In addition when and if you decided to get any type of weapons for house protection remember safety classes are the best investment that you can make for you and your family. Remember son there’s more then just pulling a trigger. A wrong judgment call can mark your life forever emotionally, financially and on the other hand you will live with guilt forever.
Good luck
Frank Crescentini
California, State License, PI18368
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