Tuesday, June 3, 2014

I feel attracted to young girls, what to do?

Sir I am following your page for a long time, I like to get your opinion on this serious issue that I have I wanted to know what possible help there are for me. I have noticed that I have a growing sexual attraction to young girls (18 and younger). I am in my early twenties and have felt this way for some time. I want to get some therapy for this before this gets out of hand. What can I do and how get help?
Is there any way for me to do this without my family finding out? I still live with my immediate family and I am on their heath insurance
A follower of your site
Thank you JP.

JP, I commend you for recognizing this and seeking help for it. As a parent and an Investigator I think your sense of responsibility here is something that more who feel the way you do should have. 

I recommend you find a psychiatrist as soon as possible. You recognize that it could get out of hand. Willpower can go a long way but a psychiatrist can help you with the options for treatment and keeping from violating the law and your own ethics. If you can't afford a psychiatrist, find a low-income clinic. 

Make it clear to the psychiatrist that you have not been sexual with a young girl and that you don't feel you are in danger of molesting a child at this point (I hope). If the psychiatrist feels that you are a danger to others he or she can have you committed so making that clear is essential. Be completely honest with him or her. It will be difficult, but you're in a difficult situation that could land you in prison. 

Meanwhile, stay away from any children. Avoid parks, schools, McDonalds or any other place children may frequent. If there are children in your neighborhood, go inside if they are playing outside. Enjoy the outdoors during school time. Since summer is coming, try to find a place where children aren't around to enjoy the weather. If you have the capabilities, there are childless communities you could move to. 

This is about protecting you as well as protecting the children. Don't take chances with the rest of your life. If you're intelligent enough to know that this is a risk for you, you're intelligent enough to be a benefit to society. Do whatever it takes to keep yourself and children safe. 

ETA: They would probably find out that you saw a psychiatrist and were in therapy because you're on their treatment. I'm a very honest person and don't like lies, but in this case, I think lying about the reason for the psychiatrist and therapy is justifiable. I suspect the psychiatrist may diagnose you with depression or something to that effect anyway, so it won't be a total lie. 

Perhaps if you're confronted about it, just tell your family you were having some problems dealing with some thoughts that disturbed you and wanted to confront the issue. If they pressure you, tell them you don't want to discuss it until you have it worked out. You have that right whether you're living with someone or not. You can stall forever. I don't think this is something a person would ever really openly discuss with family however JP you must lock that monster that hide in you into a unbreakable cage my friend!!
Good luck and my God assisting you

Frank Crescentini

California State License PI18368 

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