Thursday, June 26, 2014

Organised crime

Mr. Crescentini, what’s your opinion about organized crime?             
Thank you like this Q and A you got going keep up the good job.
William H. Rothers

Will, thank you I will try to give you my best on this one “good question” Ok, 
Organized crime is a group of people who use a structure to get what they want by defying the system, Mafioso is another word for "vigilante justice" with social connotations added and, La Cosa Nostra which is a grammatically incorrect term for "our thing." The Mafia has a code of silence "Omerta" and, a ritual that involves a saint and, burning there hand normally between the thumb and pointer finger as mark that they are made. 

They have a government called the sea and, it has directors that serve on a board from all of the world. They are in charge of all transnational business mostly by controlling funding or shipments of underground goods such as with drug cartels, banks, stocks, diamonds, fake jeans, fake leather and, sometimes oil. 

The next lower level is organization called a commission that is commissioned by the sea to run regional crime, it has commissioners or bosses who have families who help run racket's, union's, front companies, elections and, control the drug flow from other county's with the sea to skim the top. The Commission Higher other organizational leaders as associates such police, federal agents, judges and, most important low level gang leaders. Street gangs are good for business because you can always find a new one when they go to the clink and, they give you deniability. The Teamsters with motorcycle gangs a make product and, move it all over North America. The main advantage of Small is that they won't tell on a commissioner because they could get a RICO action and, them normally get caught red handed. 

The next lower level is squads that are run by senior Capos who carry out the dirty work of a commissioner or boss and, create more soldiers for his family. A squad normally has a Capo, 3-6 soldiers and, anywhere from 20-150 associates to grow power. 

In today’s World of Organized Crime criminals from over a 100 nations have formed a cross cultural transnational organization and, are more powerful than ever before. They own large holdings on Wall Street, they run fortune 500 companies, they run law firms, and they control the drug trade all over the world but, what if this crime was random? The world would be a violent unlivable dangerous place but, some of these people fail to play by a code of honor. If they don't live with respect and honor they must be stopped for the good of all people. The sea was formed for social justice and, not random murder. The idea is good but in the end money is the root of all evil and, it lead to a new type of wise guy that rooted in the use of street gangs. This lead to an evil that formed itself and, forever soiled their silk ties. Hoverer William they are almost the same as the Congress, except that Congress is DISORGANIZED crime. 

Good-bye my friend from Cali.

Frank Crescentini
California State License PI 18368

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